The best movies of the swinging sixties

The best movies of the swinging sixties
Psycho (1960)

The best movies of the swinging sixties. Everybody agrees when I’m a great time for the 1960s film industry. The best and most memorable films in the history of cinema were shot at this time. When we look at the 60s, we see that before the Golden Age of Hollywood, the iconic film director and star, as well as the stars of the next generation and the stars of the youth, overlap.

The best films of the 60s included various genres. Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and John Frankenheimer’s The Manchurian Candidate; Stanley Kubrick’s Spartacus; His films, such as Dr. Strangelove and 2001: Odyssey, can be regarded as cinema classics. There are also musicals adapted to the big screen like West Side Story.

The best movies of the swinging sixties
Midnight Cowboy( 1969)

If you’re a western fan, there’s a lot of great movies made in the ’60s. Tough guys like The Good, Bad and Ugly caught the hearts of the audience with the unforgettable plays Clint Eastwood introduced to the mainstream, Paul Newman and Robert Redford Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid.

Movies such as Midnight Cowboy and Easy Rider are brave films introducing Dustin Hoffman, Jon Voight, Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson to the world. That same year, Hoffman was nominated for an Oscar for his performance at The Graduate.

The best movies of the swinging sixties
West Side Storş (1961)

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