What's So Bad About Feeling Good? (1968)

What’s So Bad About Feeling Good? (1968)

What’s So Bad About Feeling Good? movie storyline. Pete (George Peppard) is a former advertising executive living a Beatnik–Bohemian life, as part of a commune in a New York City loft. Since living in the commune, Pete has turned into a cynical, misanthropic artist. The members of the commune are seemingly aimless, indolent or melancholy while waiting for the world to end; one member (Gillian Spencer) lives her life in a burlap sack, with only her bare feet protruding.

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Love at First Bite (1979)

Love at First Bite (1979)

The infamous vampire Count Dracula is expelled from his castle by the Communist government of Romania, which plans to convert the structure into a training facility for gymnasts (including Nadia Comăneci). The world-weary Count travels to New York City with his bug-eating manservant, Renfield, and establishes himself in a hotel, but only after a mix-up at the airport causes his coffin to be accidentally sent to be the centerpiece in a funeral at a black church in Harlem.

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