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Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle Production Notes
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Chapter 5 - Returning Heroes & Villain
Aficionados of Charlie's Angels will be delighted to know that along with Luke Wilson and Matt LeBlanc, another major character reappears in the film, the Thin Man. One of the first film's more dastardly villains is back to do battle with the Angels. After the original movie was released, the filmmakers discovered that one of the more popular characters in the story was one who never spoke a word.
"But the public spoke," says McG. "Everybody wanted the Thin Man back. He's our Jaws. He takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin.' I just love the balance Crispin Glover brings to the franchise."
But the Thin Man didn't start off as the strong silent type. Glover remembers when he read the script for the first film, his character had dialogue. "When they asked me to come in to talk about the role, I told McG I thought it would be better if the Thin Man didn't say a word and he immediately responded to that idea."
"I had never done a sequel before, but I really like this character," Glover admits. "There's this sense that the Thin Man is trapped in a different time. The fact that he doesn't speak gives him a Ôsilent-movie era' feel. I think audiences responded because they had to use their imagination more, and there's nothing richer than a person's imagination."
With all the action in the film, McG was careful to not lose sight of the human side of the story. "Dylan is drawn to the family element of being an Angel. Natalie's a truly joyful person and Alex is always trying to please her parents. We take time to breathe life into those areas of their personalities."
McG also made sure that another prominent facet of the Angels 'their love lives' be used to divulge different aspects of their personalities. For instance, "Jason's not even sure what Alex does for a living," says Matt LeBlanc who again plays Alex's boy friend Jason Gibbons. "And things are further complicated when she insists on a timeout in their relationship. What made it all so appealing was the continuing role-reversal aspect. Here's this macho action hero who is not at all that way in real life. And he gets beaten down a few times by Alex, who is the real thing."
Also returning is Luke Wilson as Natalie's boyfriend Pete Komisky. The couple has finally made the commitment to live together. And there's the suggestion that Pete wants to take the relationship even further. "I think the fact that Natalie, the basic all-American girl, is with a decent, hardworking guy like Pete, tells us a lot about them," says Wilson. "She might be an Angel with all that entails, but at heart she's just a normal woman who likes this stable guy."
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