What should summer meals be like?

What should summer meals be like?

What should summer meals be like? As the temperature increases in the summer months, many minerals such as fluid, potassium and sodium are lost from the body through sweat. Water in our body takes part in regulating the moisture and elasticity of the skin, in metabolic events, in balancing body temperature, and in removing harmful substances from the body.

As a result of excessive water loss in the body, health problems such as hypotension, dehydration, nausea and dizziness occur. Additionally, buttermilk and soda can be consumed to replace the minerals lost through sweat. Since more water will be lost during sports in the summer months, you should not wait until you feel thirsty to drink water during sports. 30 cc of water should be consumed per kilogram.

Plenty of vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are abundant, especially in the summer months. They keep you full and stabilize blood sugar due to their fiber content. 5 portions of vegetables and fruits should be consumed a day. The variety of red and purple fruits also increases during the summer months.

What should summer meals be like?

These foods, which have very serious antioxidant content (black mulberries, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, plums, cranberries), help remove toxins from our body. These anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory fruits protect our body against free radicals. Green vegetables with high fiber content, such as green pepper, parsley, dill, cress and purslane, also have an anti-edema effect. It helps relieve edema caused by hot weather in summer. It protects against degenerative diseases thanks to the omega 3 it contains.

As the temperature increases, it is necessary to be selective in food. Since fatty and carbohydrate foods will be more difficult to digest, choosing vegetables and legumes such as kidney beans, black-eyed peas, artichokes, purslane, mushrooms and dried legumes will both increase the vegetable protein and increase bowel movements due to their fiber content. Instead of fatty fried foods, grilled meat/fish/chicken and vegetables with olive oil should be chosen. Instead of rice pilaf and pasta, bulgur pilaf or buckwheat pilaf should be preferred.

As for the milk group, consumption of cold ayran or kefir will regulate bowel movements. A tzatziki with mint and dill will meet our protein, calcium and potassium needs. A cold soup with bulgur and chickpeas has both refreshing and filling properties. With the fresh mint added into it, it both refreshes and increases the vitamin C capacity.

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