Jupiter Retrograde ends on December 31

Jupiter Retrograde ends on December 31

Jupiter Retrograde ends on December 31. While Venus was preparing to move from stationary energy to its direct course on September 4, Jupiter started retrograde on the same day, which will last for about 4 months. Jupiter retro energy, which will end in the sky on December 31, is felt intensely.

During this period, we can approach the issue in a positive way, such as tidying up the issues left unfinished in our lives, seeing the crises caused by delays as opportunities, and getting rewarded if we have made an effort. Venus, which will complete its retrograde after such a striking full moon, can now reveal the inevitable endings in a permanent way.

Jupiter retrograde, which will continue until the end of the year, will be a good process to address any issues that you have taken steps in your life since May 16 but have not been resolved. Since Taurus represents resources, making money, and concrete values, previous initiatives may be rewarded, rewards may come for the subjects put in effort, and material developments may occur. Untapped opportunities may come your way, crises may turn into opportunities.

Next Page; Jupiter is related to morality, conscience and honesty.

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