What is your zodiac sign according to Egyptian Astrology?

What is your zodiac sign according to Egyptian Astrology?

Egyptian Astrology is a really interesting and intriguing way to get inspired by the sun and stars. We don’t know how much you know about it, but let’s note that Egyptian astrology was inspired by the Greeks and Babylonians and that it has a different cycle of its own.

In Egyptian astrology, the numerology behind your birth date can tell a lot about you and your personality, regardless of the month you were born. Normally in Western astrology, a period of thirty days follows between signs; Here it is possible to see some signs two to four times a year.

Now, in the light of this information, are you ready to learn your zodiac sign and its characteristic features according to Egyptian astrology? If your answer is yes, grab your tea and coffee and settle down in a comfortable place. Let’s see if we can explain you well. (To learn your zodiac sign, please pay close attention to the dates given below, because you may share the same zodiac sign with people born in different months. Just try to read the interpretation of the zodiac sign in the relevant range based on the day you were born.)

What is your zodiac sign according to Egyptian Astrology?

Nile Zodiac Sign

(January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26)

Members of this zodiac sign are just like the Nile River; They are life-giving like him and nourishing like him. They add energy to everything they touch. Their feelings about love are extreme, they are passionate, but they do not like fights and separation. Their weakest point is that they are overly emotional. Again, his emotions overflow like the Nile River. Communication skills are strong. They make good observations. The signs they get along best with are Amon-Ra and Seth.

Amon-Ra Zodiac Sign

(January 8-21, February 1-11)

Members of this zodiac sign are blessed with a strong aura, they are creative in character, just like Amon-Ra. You won’t see them turning their backs on a problem. They are always positive, their energy is always high. They have a leadership spirit and their management skills are highly developed. The only negative feature about them is that they have attachment problems; because they are afraid of starting a family and their ego always dominates their relationships. The signs they get along best with are Nile and Horus.

Mut Zodiac Sign

(January 22-31, September 8-22)

Members of this zodiac sign are motherly, just like Mut, which gives its name to the zodiac sign, and they make wonderful parents. Their logic is always one step ahead, they do not act without thinking. They are hardworking and principled, and they also have a practical side. Their only emotional disadvantage is that they have an overly sensitive nature, they are prone to depression, and they get upset very easily. It is also possible to see them having emotional outbursts from time to time. The signs they get along best with are Amon-Ra and Thoth.

Geb Zodiac Sign

(February 12-29, August 20-31)

Members of this zodiac sign have extremely strong intuition and their perceptions are as clear as water. They can foresee everything that will happen, whether positive or negative. It is the ideal zodiac sign for both business and friendship. They won’t let you down. At some moments, they can get carried away by their intuition and take things to the point of obsession. Their only downside is that they don’t know how to say no to people. This sometimes causes them trouble. The signs they get along best with are Seth and Horus.

Osiris Zodiac Sign

(1-10 March, 27 November-18 December)

Members of this zodiac sign seem to have two different personalities; On the one hand, they can seem like an extremely strong and indestructible wall, and on the other hand, they can be emotionally vulnerable and vulnerable to attack. They have a leadership spirit and their passionate attitude is noticeable even from outside. They prefer to look at life from a more optimistic perspective, and that’s why their energy is always high. They like to help. Their negative characteristics are that they can turn into a restless, impatient and angry person from time to time. This is due to fluctuating moods. The signs they get along best with are Isis and Thoth.

Isis Zodiac Sign

(11-31 March, 18-29 October, 19-31 December)

Members of this zodiac sign are people with modest personalities. They act with logic and are known for being practical. They have a cheerful temperament. They also get along very well with children. He has strong sense of humor. Because they are modest, they can sometimes be misunderstood by others and their good intentions can be exploited. They do not like to take responsibility. The signs they get along best with are Osiris and Thoth.

Thoth Zodiac Sign

(April 1-19, November 8-17)

Members of this zodiac sign are wise people, just like Thoth, who gave his name to the zodiac sign. They like to produce new ideas and are curious about learning. You cannot find anyone better than them in terms of loyalty, so we can say that they are the most ideal zodiac sign for marriage. However, they expect the same loyalty from the other party as they show, and they will never forgive even the slightest betrayal. They want to talk themselves, they don’t like listening to others. The signs they get along best with are Bastet and Isis.

Horus Zodiac Sign

(April 20-May 7, August 12-19)

Members of this zodiac sign are brave and charismatic people, they have a strong will. They are extremely attached to the things that define them, such as family, friends, in short, everything and everyone to which they feel a sense of belonging. They are hardworking people, they do not like fighting and noise, they are peaceful. Their negative characteristics are that they exhibit overly protective and jealous attitudes. They have a stubborn character and can overwhelm the people around them due to their dominant temperament. The signs they get along best with are Geb and Bastet.

Anubis Zodiac Sign

(8-27 May, 29 June-13 July)

Members of this zodiac sign are people who love solitude. They are introverts. They enjoy honesty and are compassionate and reliable in human relations. Sometimes they can behave rudely and have an authoritarian temperament. They are disappointed from time to time because they think people are like them. The signs they get along best with are Bastet and Isis.

Seth Zodiac Sign

(28 May-18 June, 28 September-2 October)

Members of this sign have an innate charisma. They are cheerful and active, and they are loved in the environments they enter. They have a perfectionist nature and are hungry for knowledge and learning. They usually prefer to deal with problems alone. Since they are people who love their freedom, they may have problems with loyalty. They have a dominant personality and have a good mouth. They are open to change and are not afraid of innovation. The signs they get along best with are Geb and Nil.

Bastet Zodiac Sign

(14-28 July, 23-27 September, 3-17 October)

Members of this zodiac sign have a docile nature, like cats, and they get along very well with people. Their intuition is quite strong. They enjoy helping each other and are also pleasant people. They have a mysterious side, and if they gain great power, they may go astray. Those who reveal the selfish side within them can lead a life of great profit. The signs they get along best with are Sekhmet and Horus.

Sekhmet Zodiac Sign

(29 July-11 August, 30 October-7 November)

Members of this zodiac sign have two different characters; One is disciplined and has a strict temperament, while the other is free-spirited and careless. They have leadership qualities and enjoy professionalism. They have a high ego, are protective and enjoy living in luxury. It is necessary to find the balance well. The signs they get along best with are Bastet and Geb.

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