Square and opposition angles in astrology

Square and opposition angles in astrology

Square and opposition angles in astrology. In a natal chart, planets establish angular relationships with each other based on their signs and degrees. There are four basic aspects in astrology; These are conjunction, opposition, square and trine angles.

Squares and oppositions—and conjunctions when a negative planetary influence is involved—are considered “difficult aspects” because they indicate tension, conflict, and obstacles in a person’s life. Particularly when the angle is forming, that is, views in converging degrees are more effective than receding angles. In this article, we will talk about square and opposite angles and explain the differences between them in detail.

Differences between Square and Opposite Angle

Square aspects are considered dynamic aspects because they require action and initiative to handle tension. In opposite angles, people can sometimes act more passively. A middle path can be found by gaining conscious awareness of the opposite angle.

Square angles often manifest as internal conflicts within oneself, while opposition angles can manifest as conflicts or oppositions between individuals’ inner world and external situations.

The square angle is a persistent influence for growth and transformation. It can create crises and a sense of urgency. In the opposite angle, there is a need for balance and integration. Harmony and balance must be sought between opposing forces.

The square angle requires active problem solving, a willingness to face and overcome challenges. The solution to the opposite angle is diplomacy, compromise, and finding common ground to resolve differences.

Squares often arise from internal motivations and desires. It indicates the need to resolve contradictory dynamics within the person through conflict. Opposition aspects emphasize the need for cooperation and negotiation with the world outside.

The square angle symbolizes empowerment by overcoming obstacles and limitations and growth through the transformation of inner forces. The opposition angle is an effect that balances and integrates opposing energies, encouraging more harmonious energies.

Square aspects are considered shorter-term influences in Natal or transit charts, indicating certain periods of tension and conflict. Opposite angles, on the other hand, can have a longer-lasting effect on the ongoing growth and maturity adventure along the path of life.

Next Page: Square Angle indicates an internal conflict or imbalance.

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