Siesta & Go: You can sleep as much as you want in this bar

Siesta & Go: You can sleep as much as you want in this bar

Siesta & Go is an example of a new business venture for Spaniards who love “sleep”. You can go to this interesting place to sleep for hours and in return you pay for the time you sleep. Siesta & Go, which is especially important for people who are tired of working, is a system that will increase motivation in the workplace.

Opened as a “siesta bar” in Spain, the venue is a charge storage center for those suffering from insomnia to charge. First of all what is siesta, let’s explain it. Especially in Spain, which has a culture like siesta (employee sleep permit, which is legal in the afternoon), this confectionery bar reveals the importance given to sleep. It is possible to go to the candy bar and sleep for the desired time.

The system works just like internet cafe, the more you use, the more you pay. In Siesta & Go, you can rent the room you want to sleep. Especially in the afternoon, the candy bar, which is preferred in the middle of the day, people can get their sleep and spend the rest of the day more efficiently. The hourly siesta fee in Siesta & Go is just over $2. Although the confectionery bar concept may seem like a new idea, the concept is implemented in Brussels, London and Tokyo.

Siesta & Go: You can sleep as much as you want in this bar

Siesta & Go: You can sleep as much as you want in this bar

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