Frankenstein: Rebellion to God through a created hero

Frankenstein: Rebellion to God through a created hero

If you weren’t gonna love, why did you create me?

Two centuries ago, Lord Byron rented a house called Villa Diodati on the shores of Lake Leman near Geneva, meeting a group of British writers. Poet Percy B. Shelley and his wife Mary are invited to this holiday home. Byron’s doctor J. W. Polidori is also there. That year, the smoke that spread to the Northern Hemisphere with the eruption of the volcanic Mount Tambora in Indonesia has made people winter through the entire summer, and this has been called the “The year Without Summer”.

In such a dark environment, Lord Byron offers a game to his friends and doctor: Nobody leaves his room until he writes a terrible story. Polidori writes his first work, “Vampire, mal a story that will be attributed to this genre. But the winner is not Polidori, but Shelley’s wife, Mary Wollstonecraft, who brings Frankenstein to life. When Mary Wollstonecraft wrote this story, she was impressed by her husband and Polidori’s conversation about the possibility of electrifying the bodies to bring them back to life.

Frankenstein: Rebellion to God through a created hero

Frankenstein is one of the two most basic works of the Gothic subtype along with Dracula. Gothic, which emerged as an architectural movement and literature genre, brought together its original narratives with the language of cinema with its structure suitable for cinema and developed by using the power of visual.

The origins of the Frankenstein narrative can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology. Prometheus stole the fire from the gods and gave it to humanity or opened the box he brought with Pandora’s curiosity and opened up various kinds of troubles as a result of both myths reflecting the conflict of science and the element of curiosity in this conflict.

The Main Story

The hero of the novel is the medical student Victor Frankenstein; in order to put an end to diseases, it wants to rebuild human beings and thus to reach immortality. As a result of his experiments, he discovers the secret of life and decides to use it by creating a superior person. It brings together pieces of bodies collected from various graves and cellars.

Because of the difficulty of dealing with the complex parts of the human body, he decides to create a superior human, 2.50 meters tall and proportionally wide. Galvanism uses the power of alchemy and electricity to create a freak that is actually anonymous, but what readers know as Frankenstein. But he is not satisfied with it and runs away. The creature knows the creator, and he doesn’t know why people are scared of him.

Frankenstein: Rebellion to God through a created hero

He wants to find his father (Dr. Frankenstein) and ask him for an account. His heart is kind and gentle, but he is isolated from the society because it arouses fear in those who see it. After a while, Frankenstein started to watch a family and saw the love of the members of the family and felt lonely. He wants a wife from his father; but Frankenstein ignores his feelings. As his loneliness increases, he becomes brutal and takes a terrible revenge on his creator.

First, He kills Dr. Frankenstein’s youngest brother. As a result of a lawsuit, the other brother is found guilty and executed. Dr. While Frankenstein suffers this remorse, the first night she marries Elizabeth, Elizabeth is killed by the beast. After the death of Victor Frankenstein, the monster creator starts to cry. Because he hates his life, he decides to destroy his body so that others cannot create a monster like him. However, it is not clear whether he died.

Marry Shelley asks God the reason for her unhappiness in this novel, in which we see traces of her accusation of her mother’s death at birth. Marry Shelley; his unhappy and lonely childhood, his troubled wife, his dead children, he rebels against God through his hero:

All about Frankenstein 1931 movie.
All about Frankenstein 1935 movie.

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