A giant supermassive black hole can swallow the universe

A giant supermassive black hole can swallow the universe

A recently discovered giant supermassive black hole gave astronomers a new horizon of the potential power of black holes. According to astronomer David Whitehouse, this newly discovered super-mass black hole can swallow the universe.

In an interview, Whitehouse said that the universe could one day be swallowed up by a giant black hole. Stating that a new super-mass black hole discovered by astronomers in South America gives experts a horizon as to how powerful these space objects can be, Whitehouse said: We’re slowly beginning to understand that so far, we’re starting to understand that the land in the center of a galaxy. We believed that the holes had a limit because they could swallow a large number of stars. Black holes grow by swallowing matter, gas, stars, and dust. This (newly discovered) black hole has a huge size, so there is a possibility that there are larger black holes.”

In the distant future, there are many physical theories that argue that a black hole can expand to more stars and ultimately swallow up the universe. The theory argues that after a long time, everything will end in a black hole,” he said.

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