The health hazards of ultra processed foods have come to the fore frequently lately. Researchers around the world are publishing one study after another on ultra-processed foods.
Recently, the results of one of the most comprehensive studies in this field were made public. As a result of this 30-year study, it was revealed that overly processed foods are linked to the risk of premature death. However, researchers underlined that not all overly processed foods are equally effective and listed the products that should be avoided.
More delicious and interesting
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines ultra-processed foods as “foods and beverages that contain ingredients that are never or very rarely used in kitchens, or additives that serve to make the final product tastier and more interesting.”
These ingredients, which can be found in products such as sodas, chips, packaged soups, chicken nuggets and ice creams, include additives that protect against mold or bacteria, artificial colours, emulsifiers that prevent separation, and added or modified sugar, salt and sugar that are intended to make the food more appealing. fats are counted.
Within the scope of the said research, data of more than 100,000 healthcare professionals living in the USA were analyzed. These participants, who had no history of cancer, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes, provided researchers with information about their health and lifestyle habits every two years between 1986 and 2018; He also completed a comprehensive nutrition-related survey every four years.
In the study, the results of which were published in the science journal BMJ, it was determined that the group consuming the least amount of ultra-processed food consumed an average of 3 portions a day, while the group consuming the most consumed an average of 7 portions a day.
Those who consumed the most ultraprocessed foods had a 4 percent higher risk of death from any cause and a 9 percent higher risk of death from neurodegenerative diseases.
Should we remove them all from our lives?
Dr. says that many foods and beverages fall into the category of “ultra-processed foods,” so he does not recommend rejecting ultra-processed foods completely. “For example, breakfast cereals or whole grain breads are also in the ultra-processed food category. However, these foods contain many beneficial nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals. On the other hand, people can reduce the consumption of some ultra-processed foods such as processed meats and beverages sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners,” Song said. “I think it should be terminated or limited,” he said.
This research contains very strong data due to its sample size and duration, but it should not be forgotten that this is an observation-based study. In other words, although researchers have observed a connection between the two phenomena, it is not possible to say that ultra-processed foods cause death.
Dr. Song said researchers should focus more on which elements in ultra-processed foods (additives, emulsifiers, flavorings…) affect health and advise competent institutions and individuals on the regulation of foods.
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