Nutritional mistakes to increase spring fatigue. While the sunnier, warmer days following the rainy, cold winter days cause many people to complain of “tired, exhausted, and lack of joy”, dieticians recommend a “nutritional formula” against this condition called “Spring fatigue”. Dietitians say, “Reduce sugar and sugary foods, consume 2-3 portions of fresh and dried fruits a day instead, and drink plenty of fluids. “Let spring come to your table,” he says.
According to dieticians, while nature is awakening, many people cannot find the strength to lift a finger during this seasonal transition, although they should be more cheerful and energetic. Some negative mental and physical complaints that many people feel during the seasonal changes are described as “spring fatigue”.
These nutritional mistakes increase spring fatigue.
Spring fatigue symptoms such as exhaustion, tiredness, weakness and reluctance are caused by nutritional errors. “Our diet may cause us to feel tired,” say experts, who offer the following suggestions:
Insufficient calorie and protein intake, insufficient fluid intake, excessive consumption of beverages with high caffeine content (coffee, green tea, etc.) that may affect sleep quality and close to bedtime, inadequate consumption of magnesium-containing foods such as bananas, avocados, green leafy vegetables, almonds and pumpkin seeds.
Inadequate intake of B group vitamins (whole grains), which are involved in energy metabolism, excessive alcohol use, and low vitamin D may trigger symptoms such as fatigue, headache, body ache, dizziness, poor quality sleep and cause constant fatigue.
Dietitian Recommendations
After the mistakes made in nutrition, dieticians said, “Let spring come to your table” and made the following suggestions:
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