The plot of the Pact of Silence series is as follows: A young and successful social media phenomenon enters the lives of four women and tries to find out which of them is her mother, who abandoned her as soon as she was born. The young girl, who burns with revenge because she had a very difficult childhood, finds love, discovers the truth and unearths secrets that will endanger her life.
Netflix introduces the Pact of Silence series with the following words: A famous social media phenomenon, who wants to learn the facts about her birth and is burning with revenge, dives headlong into the lives of four women.
All of 18 Episodes
1. All of Us or None of Us 42 min.
With help from her manager Alex, Brenda puts her intrigue-filled revenge plan into action and starts by investigating an important witness from the past.
2. Fair 42 min.
Brenda sneaks into Sofía’s life to get close to someone powerful. A tragic event from the women’s past emerges.
3. Haters 38 min.
The plan to trick Martina begins to materialize. Sofia receives a phone call from a mysterious person. A seemingly harmless stranger turns into a full-blown threat to Brenda.
4. Betrayals 44 min.
After gaining some unexpected attention, Brenda quickly plants evidence to sabotage Fernanda’s marriage. Irene confronts Adriano about his new relationship.
5. Tracking 36 min.
Brenda, hiding her identity, visits Enrique. His machinations lead to a fiery conclusion that catches everyone, including himself, off guard.
6. First Lady 40 min.
An ambush nearly ends in tragedy. Not afraid to make a scene, Brenda focuses on her new target, Irene.
7. Deadly Hatred 40 min.
Itzel goes to the golf course with a specific purpose. Brenda warns Irene that it won’t be easy to get rid of her. Brenda and Alex make a spooky discovery.
8. Big Brother 42 min.
While Brenda takes action to help César uncover the truth, she also uses him to her own advantage. Manuel’s trust in Sofía is shaken.
9. Attack 39 min.
César makes a shocking confession. While the identity of her father remains a mystery, Brenda begins to doubt her own actions. Itzel takes advantage of Fernanda’s weakness.
10. Truth 41 min.
Women meet to strategize. Vowing to retaliate, Tomás’ true motives are revealed. Brenda’s desire for revenge intensifies even more.
11. Brain 37 min.
Ricardo’s power and perverse desires are revealed. While everything is falling apart, Adriano makes a surprising offer to Brenda.
12. Stabbing 41 min.
A small piece of evidence leads to the emergence of a huge truth. Although César wants to go to the police, Brenda is after a much more treacherous plan.
13. Confession 42 min.
César is attacked. Secrets come to light that could destroy Sofía’s career and life forever. Brenda is confronted with a shocking confession.
14. From Love to Hate 43 min.
A stunned Brenda warns César to stay away from Adriano. Brenda manages to drive a wedge between the women and leaves them in a terrible dilemma.
15. Lucía Lives 40 min.
While aiming to confirm Brenda’s story, the women find themselves involved in an illegal business. The person claiming to be Brenda’s mother appears.
16. A New Love 38 min.
Brenda is absolutely devastated after meeting Enrique. César also shows his emotions through his actions. The doctor explains why Itzel actually died.
17. Bittersweet Victory 36 min.
Ricardo gets caught in the crossfire. Alex’s calls to Brenda go unanswered. Unaware that a tragedy is taking place at the same time, Irene celebrates her victory.
18. I’m Your Mother 43 min.
A heartbreaking flashback sheds light on the cause of Brenda’s suffering. Even though he is discouraged about his search, will the long-awaited confession finally come true?
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