Friendship is one of the most valuable bonds. People with whom you share your biggest secrets, with whom you may have accumulated unforgettable memories throughout your life, and who have an important place in your life. However, friendships sometimes have a lifespan and there are some signs that show that it should end. You may no longer be the same with someone you used to be good friends with, or you may feel that some of their actions now bother you. So, even if it is not easy, what are the signs that show that you should end your friendship? Here we have listed them for you.
friendship, memories, lifespan friendship, jealousy, feelings of jealousy, true friends, communication, poor communication, lack of confidence, common pleasures, relationships
Feelings of jealousy and competition
If you think that your friend is in constant competition and comparison with you and this situation has reached the level of jealousy, it means it is time to stop and think. This friendship might not be going anywhere well anymore. Because there is no room for feelings such as jealousy among true friends. A good friend is not in competition with you, on the contrary, he always motivates you by supporting you in everything. Maybe it’s time for you to end this friendship.
One-sided effort
One of the clearest signs that a friendship is over is one-sided effort. Because only you work hard for this relationship and try to fix things. If you feel that you are making a one-sided effort, this only shows that you value this relationship. You don’t always have to be the more responsible and thoughtful one.
Interfering with your boundaries
Another important sign that you need to end a friendship is that the other person does not respect your boundaries. These types of people intervene in your life in almost every aspect, are inconsiderate towards you, and don’t even realize it. If you have such a friend, you should question the relationship between you.
Poor communication
If you have a friend who does not return your calls or messages and has made this a habit, this may mean that he does not want to spend time with you. This will cause your friendship to break over time, so it’s best to act first and keep some distance between you.
Lack of confidence
The most important thing in friendship is trust. If you feel that this is missing, that is, you can no longer tell your secrets to your friend and share anything, maybe it is time to end this relationship. Be sure that a friendship in which you will always be cautious and suspicious will not be good for you.
Can’t enjoy it anymore
If you can no longer have fun with that person with whom you used to have fun until the morning and chat with them for hours without getting bored and cannot find anything to share when you get together, maybe this friendship should end. Do not blame yourself in such situations. Your or his or her interests may have changed and you may not find common pleasures. This is quite normal. Our advice to you is to make friends with people you enjoy being with and enjoy life.
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