Opposition Angle: Confronting the Shadow

Opposition Angle: Confronting the Shadow

In astrology, opposition angle occurs when two planets meet at an angle of 180 degrees. Imagine a rope that provides you with the same strength in two outcomes. The opposite angle is such an effect.

The power of a capacity for balance and integrity across the boundaries of mutual deficits. It can be associated with the “Anima” and “Animus” archives or with the “Hero” archetype. The hero archetype represents transcending their environment and achieving wholeness.

The opposing gap can be likened to two points, two opponents, facing each other in a battle arena. The opposite angle symbolizes duality and polarization. There is an occasional “tug of war” effect. The person seeks a balance and integration between the forces that are torn at two different extremes. Especially if there is intense opposition in the chart, the person may have difficulty adapting to different aspects of relationships, decision-making, and change.


Projection, a fascinating concept in psychology, can be explained as a person’s unconscious projection of his or her unacceptable flaws, desires, emotions and impulses onto something else. In other words, the person actually interprets what is happening inside him as an external influence.

When it comes to the opposition angle, there is just such a complex mechanism. Two planets standing at opposite poles, that is, two influences, are the tendency to reflect on each other motivations that are not ready to accept within themselves or are not even aware of.

For example, if Mars stands at one end of the opposition angle, the person may accuse others of aggression because of the anger he cannot resolve within himself. Or, if Saturn is at one end of the opposition angle, the person may talk about others excluding him by not seeing the part of himself that rejects people.

Projection is a defense mechanism that people use to protect their self-image. In order to distance oneself from an internal conflict, a person creates a psychological distance between himself and himself. For example, someone who is anxious and afraid will describe the outside world as threatening and dangerous.

Two planets connected in opposition make us feel fragmented and divided. But instead of seeing these energies as separate and incompatible, we need to learn to integrate them by exploring the potentials of these two opposite poles.

In opposing aspects, there is a tendency to over-exalt one side and over-vilify, reject, belittle, or ignore the other side. This situation can become much worse, especially for people who have a limited perspective, are prejudiced, and are heavily influenced by social expectations.

Therefore, the person who is flexible, inclusive and conscious about opposites is attainment. Because opposing forces are interconnected. While there are differences between I and you or person and society, there are also complementarities. The things represented by both extremes are equally valuable and important.

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