It’s not too hard to keep a relationship alive.

It's not too hard to keep a relationship alive.

Keeping a relationship alive. There are things you need to pay attention to in order to restore the old sparkle to your relationship and have a long-term relationship. So what should be done to keep the relationship alive?

The common thing that people who have had very long lasting relationships often complain about is “not being able to be the same as before”. It’s as if over the years, as you get used to each other, you drift away from each other… However, as long as love and respect remain, it is possible to keep your relationship alive. Every relationship requires effort. Take a look at these eight suggestions prepared as a result of careful research, it will be much easier for you to find your own method and revitalize your relationship!

1. Don’t neglect your special times

Often, planning special times with your significant other is more effective than relationship therapy. Doing things together allows you to reconnect, escape the stress of home, and remember the reasons you chose each other. Go for a walk together, go to the movies, eat… Remember your favorite things and make time to do them. Think it will be too expensive? Your appointments don’t have to be costly! Sometimes just turning off the lights and having a candlelit dinner is enough to get that spark back. Remember the days when you would drink tea in a tea garden and chat for hours. You’re the same people, it’s just been a while!

2. Focus on deepening your friendship

You don’t need relationship therapy to remember how to treat your friends; However, sometimes you may forget that you should treat your partner the same way. Treat each other with friendliness and respect, and nurture your bond. Laugh together, share your ideas, listen to each other. Remember that each of us is now a little different from the person we were last year. Tell each other about these innovations and natural changes. How will you know if you’ve changed your mind about anything if you don’t talk? “You never did this before, where did this come from?” Instead of starting a fight, try saying, “Have you changed your mind? Let’s have a chat.” Listen to each other. The happiest lovers are those who can also be like best friends.

3. Sit together

When you go out together, sit on the same side of the table. Sit side by side with your partner, ensuring your children are around you rather than between you. When you relax in your living room in the evening, sit on the same piece of furniture – not across from each other. Being physically close creates more opportunities for you to connect physically with each other. Many studies show that when you are physically close, your chances of being mentally aligned will increase. Be close, lie down together, touch each other, especially when talking about issues that bother you.

4. Check in on each other

Ask your partner how he or she is doing, at least once a day if possible, or at least via text. Even if you don’t like it, when you get together in the evenings, ask, “How was your day?” Don’t neglect the conversation. Take the time to gauge his mood and understand what he’s feeling, and genuinely care about his responses.

5. Do little things for each other

Think back to the beginning of your relationship, when you couldn’t wait to get out of bed and make breakfast for your partner… Or the hours you’d stay up just so you could go to bed together. Try taking the time to repeat these small services. Little notes, little gifts, messages in which you write the words of love you feel, lines you read from a book you picked up for no reason… Love is nourished by little things. Don’t forget to nourish your love.

6. Focus on the things you love most about your partner

Instead of focusing on the things that make you angry, focus on the things you enjoy most when it comes to your partner. You chose this person. Something appealed to you. What were they? This relationship therapy technique helps you refocus your mind and turn your attention to good things instead of overwhelming frustrations.

7. Discover new date ideas

Do something new, fun together. You don’t have to stick to your usual, old dating routine. Throw away your routines and try something new – even if it’s something that makes you feel anxious.

8. Share chores

Someone has to cook, clean the house, and take care of the kids. Instead of doing these separately, try doing them together. Shared responsibilities strengthen the bond between you. If you treat your relationship as the top priority in your life, you can deepen your intimacy and strengthen your bond like never before. It is not easy to regain this spark; But you can remember something you forgot along the way: How much in love you are. By following these tips, you will be more connected to each other than ever before.

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