Are parallel universes hidden in dreams?
There may be a copy of yourself in this world that makes different decisions and sees places in your dreams that somehow manifest themselves later on. For thousands of years, people have wondered about the meaning of dreams. Why do some people dream about future events? Why are some dreams filled with hidden meanings? Could some of our dreams be glimpses of events taking place in an alternate reality, a parallel Universe?
Our ancestors were as curious about dreams as modern scientists are today. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that dreams gave messages from the gods. In ancient China, people viewed dreams as a way to visit the world of the dead. The ancient Egyptians were convinced that those who could interpret dreams had special powers.
Many Native American tribes and Mexican civilizations believed that dreams are a different world that we visit when we sleep. The word “dream” comes from an old English word meaning “joy” and “music”. Today we know that dreams are often expressions of thoughts, feelings, and events that run through our minds while we sleep.
Dreams can be colorful and involve all kinds of senses – smells, sounds, sights, tastes and things we touch. We know a lot about the science of dreaming because researchers can take pictures of people’s brains while they sleep.
Over the years, scientists have learned a lot about dreams, but there is still much that remains unknown. We will dwell further on the subject and propose the idea that some of our most mysterious and private dreams may be glimpses from invisible parallel worlds that exist alongside our own reality. For nearly a hundred years, science has been haunted by a dark secret; the secret that there may be mysterious hidden worlds beyond our human senses.
The Misiks have long claimed such places. They said it was a place filled with ghosts and spirits. All science wants is to be associated with such superstition, but since the 1920s physicists have been trying to make sense of a disturbing discovery. When they tried to pinpoint the exact location of atomic particles such as electrons, they found that it was completely impossible. There was no single place, and this is one of the reasons why scientists are even more interested in the possible existence of parallel worlds.
The only explanation anyone can offer is that particles do not exist in our Universe. Particles migrate rapidly to other universes, and there are an infinite number of parallel universes, all slightly different from each other. In fact, there is a parallel universe where Napoleon won the Battle of Waterloo. In another parallel universe, the British Empire maintains an American colony.
You were never born in a parallel universe. The multiverse is a theory, in which our universe is not just one universe, there are many parallel universes. These different universes in the multiverse theory are called parallel universes.
Of course, the multiverse theory is just a theory. Proving the existence of parallel universes and the issue is widely debated among physicists. With this definition of the universe, it can be expected that the concept of the multiverse is eternally in the metaphysical realm.
Yet the boundary between physics and metaphysics is defined by a theory that can be tested empirically. The pioneers of physics are increasingly expanding to integrate more abstract concepts such as invisible electromagnetic fields, slowing of time at high speeds, quantum superpositions, twisted stretch, and black holes. “The concept of the multiverse has been added to this list in recent years,” said Professor Max Tegmark at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
“The fundamental problem with cosmology is that the laws of physics as we know it collapsed at the Big Bang. Some people say what’s wrong with that, what’s wrong with having the laws of collapsing physics. For a physicist, this is a disaster. Dr. “We’ve been devoted all our lives to the proposition that the Universe obeys knowable laws, laws written in the language of mathematics, and here we have the most important element of the Universe itself, the missing piece beyond physical law,” says Michio Kaku.
You can be a copy of yourself in a parallel world. This person’s life is identical to yours in every way. Still, there are certain things you and your copy might be doing differently. Perhaps while you are reading this article, he decides to set it aside before finishing it. Your timelines are similar, but not identical, because you co-exist in alternate worlds.
People often have a recurring dream about a place they have never been to or have never heard of. Perhaps such dreams are brief visions experienced in a parallel Universe. Sometimes people dream about events that have not happened yet but will happen in the future. Such dreams may be images coming from an alternate world where you are living a different life.
Who knows, maybe some of our most special dreams are a window into a parallel universe. Of course this is speculation, but without speculation and scientific curiosity we may never learn more about the secrets of the Universe and our reality.
We can put it as Professor Tegmark once said. “When we ask a deep question about the nature of reality, don’t we expect an answer that seems strange? Evolution has intuited everyday physics that had survival value for our distant ancestors, so every time we dare to venture beyond the everyday world, we should expect it to seem strange.”
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