The man who walks hand in hand with his healer

The man who walks hand in hand with his healer

When a man chooses a woman who answers the call of life, he has only one chance to maintain the connection between them: to follow that woman and above all to make room for him so that the woman he walks can follow.

The man may need to give up on his own needs, or he may find a means of healing in his shared ways with the woman, but not always in the most gentle way. When a man chooses a woman who follows life’s call and heals his own wounds, saying ‘yes’ to her equals saying ‘yes’ to a greater purpose beyond building a home together or raising children. Thus, the bond between them goes beyond fulfilling classical gender roles.

Therefore, the man accepts the duty to watch the woman’s back or to support her when she cannot shoulder the weight of the world. This means adopting a different dimension of sexuality for the man. Because the healing of sexuality is one of the deepest issues of a healer woman.

For man, it’s about embracing stillness, softness, and healing. Standing back or changing direction is about being in the moment for the whole. When a man chooses a woman who aspires to achieve freedom, they can only achieve it together. The man needs to leave behind his narcissistic behaviors and realize that the path to the freedom that the woman embraces is also her own path.

When a man chooses an even stronger woman, he cannot stay where oppressive energies reign or move forward by taking small steps. If the man chooses to be with the woman in this mission, he has accepted a mission that serves the good of all men, even in the background. Here he creates a safe space that keeps the woman away from the man’s lurking wounds and protects her, pushing her to surrender.

It is clear that when a man chooses a woman out of his admiration for her radiance and wisdom, he cannot cling to his own shortcomings to harm her radiance. He should be free from the fear of sharing the woman with others.

When a man chooses a woman who follows the call of life, he cannot be afraid of the words respect, humility and surrender. Instead, he walks with gratitude and enthusiasm in the path of his goddess, woman, healer. If such a woman has to make a choice, she will choose to walk alone, for the sake of all women, rather than leave it to the man. Still, the woman will be aware of the power behind the presence of a man who supports her.

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