The Great Wall of China: The masterpiece that pushes the limits of reason

The Great Wall of China: The masterpiece that pushes the limits of reason

The Great Wall of China, covering a total of 21.196.180 meters in length, covers northwestern China. The Great Wall of China, the foundations of which were laid in 7 BC, began in the Henan province of the Vhu Kingdom.

When the attacks of Hun, Mongol and Tunguz began to increase, the Chinese and Qin Shin Huang, the emperor of the period, started to build these walls that crossed their borders in the 3rd century BC with the idea of ​​lamaz insurmountable.

It is rumored that the main reason is to prevent Turkish raids from the north. 6270 kilometers just the length of the wall. Add to this natural barriers and walls, the actual length is 8850 kilometers.

The Great Wall of China: The masterpiece that pushes the limits of reason

Also known as le Purple Border ’or‘ Dragon of the World duvar, the wall was named Great Great Wall of China ında in the late 19th century. The mortar used in the construction of the wall is composed of materials such as soil, stone, plastic, wood, brick, clay or limestone that can be found in the conditions of that day. The wall’s official end date coincided with 1644, when the last Ming ruler was overthrown. The Great Wall of China is 9144 meters wide and its highest point is 3.7 meters.

Winding its staggering way along over 5,000 miles, the Great Wall of China needs little in the way of introduction. It’s long, seriously long – it would take around 18 months to walk its length.

Tours cost around $30 per person and include mini-bus transportation with an English-speaking guide and driver. DON’T visit the wall on weekends or holidays, when it is most crowded. Remember, it’s not just foreigners who tour the Great Wall.

The Great Wall of China: The masterpiece that pushes the limits of reason

The Great Wall of China, often cited as the only human-made structure visible from space, is not visible from low Earth orbit without magnification, and even then can be seen only under perfect conditions. Whether an object is visible varies significantly on the height above sea level from where it is observed.

China Hiking’s Jiankou hike is $90, including transfer from Beijing, entrance fee, lunch and an English-speaking guide. Great Wall Hiking offers the Jinshanling day trip for $136 per person. Both tours last about nine hours, and reservations in advance of your arrival in Beijing are recommended

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