Introducing North Korea’s unknown face

Introducing North Korea's unknown face

US President Trump and North Korean leader Kim have been good for a long time. He even gets along so well that Trump didn’t hesitate to say that there was a love between them. First April, I went to North Korea in September, the second I think my foot came auspicious.

Our visit in April was due to Kim Jong-un’s grandfather Kim il-Sung’s birthday celebrations. I made my second visit to watch the stadium performances called Mass Games mayan which were held in September this year. It is obvious that two trips are not enough to evaluate a country. However, for North Korea, which I am very curious about, starting with these two events allows at least to breathe the prevailing air in the country.

You need to fly either through Beijing or Vladivostok. I made my first trip to Beijing and the second to Vladivostok to travel to Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, Preparations for travel to North Korea take at least a month, and only a visa can be obtained from Bulgaria in Europa. There is no problem with a camera or a camera, but the book is a threat.

Introducing North Korea's unknown face

Before my first trip I was curious and excited, it had been years since I had seen a place I had not been to before. I had no idea what I might encounter in this closed box, except for videos with covert footage.

The truth is that it is not possible to travel and shoot freely in North Korea, which accepts tourists within quotas. We’re not asked to see another scene from the polished face of the country. Two officials traveling around small tourist groups are tasked with keeping their guests from the outside world in a position where only the shows can be seen in the best way.

Those who leave the group, turn around or take uncontrolled pictures are immediately included in the group and the pictures taken are also deleted. Considering that each country has its own history of gold, in a world where access to information cannot be controlled, gold dates can also be questioned. And here lies the difference of North Korea. The Internet, under censorship by the administration, does not make any North Koreans unhappy.

Introducing North Korea's unknown face

There is a designated route for tourists in North Korea. Regardless of the reason, the list of places to see and allow is always the same… The statues of the founding leaders of the country have now become routine stops, such as standing in silence, visiting their mummies, eating beautiful pizzas in the capital’s Italian restaurant, visiting the war museum.

On our first trip to attend Kim il-Sung’s birthday celebrations, we witnessed dance performances of women and men dressed in traditional clothing on the wide streets. This colorful performance of the Korean people, the harmony they caught with the music played, should have been the result of months of rehearsals. Within a few days, we realized an important fact during our trip in the city.

Thanks to the educational campaign launched by Kim il Sung after the Korean War, as a result of combining sickle and hammer with a writing brush, the literacy rate in the country is 100 percent and every student is educated in a branch of art during primary education. So much so that in the so-called ‘children’s palace eğitim, the little children managed to surprise all the visitors with their dances, songs and instruments.

North Korea’s investment in education and the importance it has given to tourism to revive its closed economy, which has managed to survive many badges throughout history, and step-by-step rapprochement with South Korea, reveal that Korea’s game plan is not based on rockets. Did Kim Jong-un soon evolve from a rocket man to his pen-mate, is it really because he wrote enough to make Trump fall in love?

Introducing North Korea's unknown face

The visual feast of 100.000 people

On our first trip, Kim Jong-un, who met with the South Korean leader at the border and crossed the border together, watched ‘Mass Games birlikte together. Mass Games, however, was held specifically for the two leaders the day before, and in the capital, all we could see about these two leaders was the wide-crossing cars that had been closed for five minutes. Almost as wide as an airport runway, there is almost no vehicle traffic on the streets, and traffic policemen are mostly interested in pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

Even though the tall buildings along the streets look like mass housing, the 330-meter unopened Ryugyong Hotel of the capital reveals the kind of architecture we are used to seeing in the cities of developing countries. Even if the construction started in 1987 had been completed within two years as predicted, it would have been the longest hotel in the world for a while.

Organized in September this year after five years, Mass Games, where artistic North Korean propaganda peaked, is an event worth seeing. 150.000 people are said to receive the May 1 Stadium in the demonstrations, more than 100.000 North Korean countries in a unique harmony with a visual feast tells the history of their country. The labor, uncompromising synchronicity and choreography behind the overly nationalist dose of the show transforms the entire stadium into a theater stage and even an almost digital image.

As the two Koreas get closer, the Kim Jong-un War Museum reveals the dusty leaves of history. The first thing that attracts attention in the museum’s 3D warfare is the American soldiers who have fallen into trouble. The American flag creeping on the ground immediately draws attention.

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