Astrology Time: Introducing Scorpio

Astrology Time: Introducing Scorpio

October 24 – November 23

Group: Water, negative, female, constant
Executive Planets: Mars, Pluto
Color: Vivid red, black
Precious stone: Opal, Vermeil

Personal Features

There are few people who live passionately in life as much as scorpions. Therefore, the word that symbolizes them is ‘I desire’. They never leave anything halfway. The powers of the scorpions are read from their eyes. Even if they keep their mimics under control, they can convey their love or hate with their looks. If they get their emotions, they can be dangerous. Scorpions don’t like arrogant and arrogant people, humiliating them and declaring their terms.

By reading what they know, they are not willing to compromise. They are extremely skeptical, they do not believe easily, but they stubbornly defend a subject they believe in. While they work diligently with patience and diligence in their work, they do their work away from the show. Scorpions, who have not raised themselves, are predisposed to the simplicity of life and cause their own destruction. Sexuality plays an important role in their lives. They don’t fear death because they accept death as a new beginning.

Physical Properties

The physical structure of scorpions is quite interesting; they may be medium or taller. They have a thick but smooth body. Round faces. Her hair is dark and wavy, even curly. Their eyes are incredibly attractive. They melt everything they look at. You can easily recognize a Scorpio’s gaze. They are the most incomprehensible sign of the Zodiac. They often stopped defending themselves because they were subject to criticism. Their emotions are deep.

Their mysterious structures bring them to different places in their environment. Their senses are burning. Intensely emotions, jealousy constantly fueling. Because of their ambitious nature, the most difficult diseases come and find them. When a Scorpion becomes ill, tests that are difficult to diagnose may be needed. As a result of long researches, the cause of the diseases is generally of psychosomatic origin. They ruin their bodies because of emotions they cannot reveal.

Sex hormones of scorpions work much more than anyone. Because of the electrical potential in their bodies, they attract people like magnets in their environment. Very few people are seen as resistant to pain. They take the most effective medications without hesitation. They rely heavily on their will and heal themselves with brain power. Since the scorpions represent the stomach and reproductive organs, these organs are fragile, but they can easily overcome any discomfort.

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