Remember these 20 golden rules in flight

Remember these 20 golden rules in flight

Do you get stressed when you get on the plane or are you one of those who put his head asleep and sleep? Are you in the middle seat, where will you put your arms? The cabin crew wants to pick you up, will you? Let’s fasten your seatbelts and take a look at tips that will improve your comfort in flight.

  1. The trick of a good flight starts when you get on a plane. Do not disrespect each other while boarding the plane, do not take the other passengers slow when placing the cabin baggage, shout at your child and do not pretend that you are on the plane.

  2. Don’t ask the cabin officer for anything until you’re seated. Especially “My head hurts a lot. Give me a painkiller right away ey never say. Cabinet officers do not have the authority to give drugs, a drug they give you can touch, you can cause death.

  3. If you have the possibility to enter between the seats, place your hand luggage in the overhead locker after the passengers behind you have passed. Although the place is in the back rows, for convenience, there are those who put their luggage in the cupboards on the front rows. Moreover, the number of people who do not do this kind of unkindness.

  4. No space in your overhead locker? No problem, the cabin clerk finds room in another closet for your luggage. If the whole plane is full, it can ship.

  5. Although the check-in is in different seats, there may be passengers who wish to sit together. Help if this request comes from the family or a person assisting an elderly passenger. Everything should start with sweet language and be completed with thanks.

  6. You finally sat down; Let’s count the most important things you shouldn’t do: don’t stretch your bare foot between the two seats in front, take your feet off the aisle and hit the trolley, don’t drop your head on the other passenger’s shoulder while you sleep, snore.

  7. If you have prostate problems, take the seat by the corridor. So you don’t have to remove other passengers too often. Some prostate passengers are holding themselves several times after requesting toilet leave to avoid further discomfort.

  8. Do not insist that there may be a passenger who does not want to get up from his seat even if a change of place is requested. I would also like to fly in the seat given to me or in my predetermined seat. But if there are child passengers or two lovers make such a request, I give my place.

  9. It is more convenient for the center seat occupant to use one of the two arm rests and leave the other. The occupation of both armrests by the person traveling in the middle seat annoys the other passengers. Already the other passenger makes the test with slight pushes to put the arm; but if the passenger in the middle still does not pull his arm, sometimes there is discussion.

  10. Always switch off your electronic device. If you see a passenger not closing, call the cabin officer. Because they threaten flight safety, they can take that passenger off the plane.

  11. You shouldn’t cause any problems. Once, an alcoholic passenger wanted to fly even though the plane landed and he resisted. When he did not leave the cabin, the police were called and sent to testify. The cabin officer may stop the drink given to the passenger as soon as he / she deems it appropriate. If alcoholic or another passenger causes problems, the ‘problematic passenger form’ is filled in and taken to the cockpit. When the captain instructs, plastic handcuffs are applied and detained.

  12. The guy in my front seat on a flight cut his nails around hair. I called the cabin attendant, but the nail cut was already over.
    Cut the nail on the plane?

  13. Babies and children cry when the pressure is uncomfortable. Please be considerate. If you see a parent traveling alone with his young child, look at their children so they can go to the toilet.

  14. Some families prefer morning flights because they think there are less delays. However, early morning flights bring a child who is awakened at midnight, starts the day without appetite and becomes cranky while waiting for the plane. Some airports have check-in counters for families with children. Safety control is also given at some airports and baby passengers are given priority. Feel free to ask the officer. Eliminate your child’s running and bouncing needs before departure, even if he says he doesn’t have a toilet.

  15. Take your stroller with you as far as you can and give it to the trunk as late as possible. You may encounter delays and long walks at the airport. When you deliver your stroller, indicate that you want to pick it up as soon as you get off the plane. Some packaged foods that you do not normally take home can partially tolerate the peace of mind of other passengers on board. Get your own headset for your tablet or in-flight display.

  16. To prevent babies from crying due to pressure and relieve them, carry a pacifier or water bottle. Carry plenty of toys for children from 6 months to 2 years. When they start mumbling, give them a new one, draw their attention to the toys.

  17. Obtain from the sleeping band or noise masking headphones. You download the headset application to the phone and select the sound you want (for example, the sound of the ocean) and hear nothing else. So you can protect yourself from loud conversations or other noise.

  18. The sleeping child makes all passengers happy. Take your child’s sleeping companion with you. The road is long and if you plan to give a drug to loosen try it a few days before boarding. We were given an antihistaminic drug without trying it, and we were faced with a baby who wanted to run on the plane with the opposite effect. Your child may ask, mi Are we going to go over the ocean ”,“ Why do I have a life vest”, mı Do I have to wear that mask?. Play a game where your child is a pilot or stewardess to eliminate panic and curiosity. Ask the cabin attendant if it is possible for your child to meet the pilot and see the pre-flight cockpit. Color your journey as a surprise.

  19. If you want a quiet ride, airplanes with engines on the wing, sit in front of the engine, just behind the wing is much noise. This situation changes in airplanes like the new generation 787, A350, A320neo because the new generation engines are very quiet.

  20. For a pleasant flight, take the book, magazine or nice movie you want to read. Especially for long flights, prefer narrow, cotton clothes, neck pillow use. Walk on long flights to avoid roaming problems. Since your movements will be limited during the flight, your body also makes edema. Low intra-aircraft pressure causes dehydration, headache, dry mouth and throat. You can eliminate these problems by drinking plenty of water.

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