Since ancient times, humanity believes that various plants, seeds, vegetables, fruits and seafood enhance sexual performance. Many recipes and recipes have varied from culture to culture. However, in recent years research, saffron and oysters, such as aphrodisiacs from ancient times to date, many products, because of the active ingredients in the sexual life positively revealed.
What is an aphrodisiac?
A sexual health expert who brought up the striking topics that have never been discussed about sexuality, made important explanations about aphrodisiacs and their effects on sexual life. Aphrodisiac, sexual desire to increase the effects of the general name of the substances described as Felt, the origin of the word in Greek, he said.
According to the legend, the Goddess of Love Aphrodite, every night together with selected men, herbal drinks and mixtures that increase sexual power to drink that transfers, felt the sexual desire and sexual power stimulating and enhancing substances given the name of the “aphrodisiac” expressed that the name derives from this legend.
Since ancient times, people in different cultures, trying to improve their sexual lives with a variety of foods and drugs, elixirs that prepare elixir, some foods similar to genitals, some of them tried to be used as aphrodisiac because of sexual effects, he said. Especially felt that the eastern countries are the inventors of formulas that will increase sexual desire and that they are pioneering the world in this matter aphrodisiacs have an important place in the history of Anatolia.
Is the sexual effect true?
This issue is still a subject of discussion, while also stated that the plants used in the manufacture of medicines that contain healing chemicals. Aphrodisiacs, mysterious potions, not magic mixtures, Psik said Felt Psychotherapist, reminded that every food consumed affects the body and the functions of the body. Stating that nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in some foods directly affect hormones, brain chemistry, body energy and stress levels.
As a result, our sexual organs and sexual desire are directly or indirectly affected. For example, some aphrodisiacs increase libido by acting on libido, while others increase blood flow to the genitals. There is a lot of scientific research that shows that aphrodisiacs have both physical and psychological effects on our body. In addition, we cannot ignore the placebo effect of aphrodisiacs. Because our brain is the center of command of our thoughts, emotions and desires.
Therefore, it is highly probable that the thought that something we eat will increase our sexual desire will have a stimulating effect on sexual desire. Therefore, it is possible to benefit from the effects of aphrodisiacs in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation, sexual aversion, impotence due to physiological factors. However, it is important to remember that the brain is the largest human sexual organ. Sexuality begins and ends in the brain. All our feelings, thoughts, attitudes and activities related to sexuality depend on our perception of sexuality in our brain, our experiences and knowledge about sexuality.
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