Radio Vatican launches Latin newsletter

Radio Vatican launches Latin newsletter

As of June 8, 2019 morning, Radio Vatican began broadcasting Latin newsletters. Radio Vatican, the official organ of the Vatican, began broadcasting in 1931 and now began broadcasting a Latin newsletter.

The first release of the Latin newsletter, which took place on June 8, 2019 morning and lasted for 5 minutes, was aimed at resurrecting the Latin language. The broadcast, which began with the phrase ‘Hebdomada Papae, Notitiae Vaticanae latine reddiate’ (Pope’s weekly assessment. Latin Vatican news), seems to attract the attention of many translators studying Latin language around the world. In addition to the Latin news bulletin, Vatican Radio plans to launch a 30-minute chat program, which aims to give tips to expand the use of the Latin language in the modern era.

Andrea Tornielli, editor-in-chief of the Vatican Communications Secretariat, said in a statement for the Latin newsletter that we wanted the official language of the Catholic Church to be used in the news as well as in worship.

The Latin language, also known as the official and worship language of the Catholic Church, was a compulsory subject in the education system of many countries in Europe a few years ago. Today, the use of the Latin language has almost ended.

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