What happens if you can’t keep your principled posture?

What happens if you can't keep your principled posture?

The nonsense doesn’t make sense as it repeats. The truth is not reached when the mistakes are repeated. The comment cannot cover the visible one. The form cannot prevent content. Truth cannot be concealed by making literature. Ethics always has moral superiority. Those who lose moral superiority due to their ethical deficiencies may be strong, but they cannot be justified.

If you act in accordance with the principles, they will respect your opinion even if they do not agree with you. If there are those who do not respect your thoughts in spite of acting principally and try to discredit and crush you because of your thoughts, know that there is no principle. And when the power scale changes, these are the first to leave the ship.

Look, let’s talk about the principles. My principles are very simple. I don’t want what I don’t want for myself for anyone else. I’m not happy about the unhappiness of others. And I believe that happiness based on the unhappiness of others is not permanent. I believe in justice, not power. It is obvious that the power that is not based on justice will disappear after a while.

I want it to be available again in the strict sense. I believe in universal and irrefutable human rights. I’m going through a human rights filter. The basis of these rights is the claim that all rights apply to all people. Without this claim, these rights could not be characterized as universal or human. Therefore, our rights based on the constitution and laws should be applied equally to everyone. On the contrary, I oppose the views to the end, and I consider all acts contrary to this moral, illegitimate and illegitimate.

When I speak on the basis of principles, most people agree and disagree. Alas, the color of the work begins to change when it comes to practice! Everybody wants these principles for themselves or for their loved ones. Who does not defend the rights and law of those who are like him? The important thing is to defend the rights and law of those who are not like them. If you want what you don’t want for yourself, there’s no policy. No religion, moral philosophy, public order, action, personal choice can contradict this general viable nature of morality. If it contradicts, a false, insidious, dishonest, non-legitimate freak, serving the interests of someone.

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