Sexual myth is the false and wrong information about sexuality. These myths does not reflect the truth, whose accuracy is not scientifically supported, has been spread by ear to ear for years, accepted by everyone so we think this myth is right and we allow it to affect our lives. These myths turn into legends and become accepted without question. Psychologist and Sexual Therapist Ursula Sommersby gave important information about misconceptions about sexual life.
Men know all the tricks of sexuality
Sexuality is a process in which men and women live together and enjoy mutual pleasure. The culture we live in imposes responsibilities on the sexuality of the man and causes the man to experience performance anxiety. While assigning responsibility to the woman, she takes away her sexual rights.
During sexual intercourse, the man thinks that he should stay hard and be successful and starts to experience performance problems. Women, on the other hand, do not enjoy sexuality, only fulfill their duties. Couples who do not get pleasure, do not give pleasure, and focus on the result with the responsibility of duty, have unhealthy, unhappy and insatiable sexual lives.
Women’s sexual desire is low
Women are raised with negative information about sexuality; ‘Sexuality is not your right’ ’Sexuality is a duty’ birleşme Sexual intercourse is painful, painful, painful ’. In this way, the girl raised in time goes away from sexuality. When he comes to puberty, he suppresses his sexuality and continues to listen to stories that support his misinformation.
In her adult sexual life, she has no idea of her own sexuality because she is unaware that she has such a right. What he knows is that sexuality is painful. His repressed sexual desire continues to be under pressure for fear of suffering. However, both women and men have sexual desire, and when raised in a healthy way, women can express their desire for sexual desire.
Masturbation is dirty and harmful
Masturbating makes one feel guilty. Forbidden and known as sin, masturbation is done in a hurry for fear of getting caught. A sense of pollution is added to the guilt. Many people believe that masturbation is harmful, damages certain organs and causes problems such as blindness and sexual reluctance.
On the contrary, it does not cause any sexual dysfunction when masturbation is not performed with the fear of getting caught. It does not harm organs, it is not a shame sin, it does not make habits, it does not cause emotional or physical problems, but it is used technically in sexual therapies. Masturbation can be done at any age, which is a matter of choice. Feelings of shame, guilt and sinfulness are irrelevant.
Masturbation may break the hymen
Masturbation is not harmful unless it is excessive and preferred to sexual intercourse. Masturbation by stimulating the external genitals and clitoris without inserting anything into the vagina does not harm the hymen.
Masturbation reduces sexual desire
Information that masturbation reduces sexual power and desire is incorrect. Masturbation is not harmful, guilt, sinfulness, shame, such as negative beliefs. Masturbation is an indication that the person is at peace with their sexuality. Masturbation is a positive contribution to the sexuality of the person if done correctly.
However, when done with fear of being caught, guilty feelings can lead to premature ejaculation and sexual reluctance problems in men. The woman recognizes her sexuality through masturbation and contributes to her sexuality in marriage. Masturbation does not make acne, does not make blind, does not make infertility, does not disturb the menstrual order, does not cause premature ejaculation and hardening, does not make curvature in the penis, does not make sinful.
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