2012: The End of the World?

2012: The End of the World?

The year 2000 came and went. If we flash back for a moment, we recall that in the period up to 2000, the chaos was expected to wrap our civilization computer and electrified. It was called Y2K: a flaw in the simple design of the software was supposed to cause the end of the civilized world. Power stations, telecommunications, bank accounts, billing processes were all supposed to be paralyzed or thrown into a state of chaos.

But it never happened. Instead, in late 1999 and early 2000 is best known for the amazing displays of fireworks in major cities worldwide, many of them on television and shared with viewers of all nations. The spectrum of the end of the world was a ghost.

A decade later, where are we? Wars are fought in Iraq and Afghanistan with the help of sophisticated computerized weapons. A sluggish global economy desperately trying to restart itself. The Internet is an indispensable part of life for the majority in the Western world and even for a considerable number of people in the developing world. And we are told on another end of the world was approaching.

If we are to believe the latest hype, 21 or 23 December 2012, when the world will really come to an end climate. This time, fear was triggered by an interpretation of the ancient Mayan calendar, favored by many books and documentaries. And it gave birth, perhaps surprisingly, yet another Hollywood disaster film.

The supposed cataclysm of 2012 may appear to be corroborated by some sources, ranging from economics to science. This does not mean that 2012 is necessarily central to their concerns, in some cases, it’s just a convenient peg to hang his hat as they rally support for other pet theories.

However, the Mayan calendar really speak of an end of the world, or is it just the end of a calendar repeating events based on calculations Maya? Those who have studied the timing and the culture that has developed reject any prediction end of world as a misinterpretation of the data: they say he does not speak of an end in itself but a new beginning.

However, the Mayan calendar is not the only source of anxiety apocalyptic present. The words of Nostradamus strongly in the latest forecasts. In fact, an Internet search on “Nostradamus 2012” yields nearly 1.5 million visits. Nostradamus wrote about religious themes, in fact, the theme in 2012 has become a phenomenon for the New Age movement and thus a religious event.

But the writings of the prophet of the 16th century, recorded in quatrains, or four lines in poetry format, are flexible enough to support a number of doomsday scenarios that are put forward today. A website that provides resources and documentation for those interested in 2012 offers this assessment of Nostradamus: “It is best known for his book The Prophecies…. Many of his prophecies dealt disaster such as epidemics, earthquakes, wars, floods and the entry of three antichrists have. But his predictions are vague and people tend to apply his words to many situations. ”

It is an appropriate commentary. People often used to strengthen their own Nostradamus predictions, whether as to its mystics were more accurate when superimposed on past events.

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