Common myths about weight loss, diet, and nutrition

Common myths about weight loss, diet, and nutrition

Common myths about weight loss, diet, and nutrition. When is a lie to an accepted truth? If the lie repeated often enough. It is the oldest and favorite trick of politicians and others who have to win. The diet industry is riddled with myths.

The grapefruit is melt fat

No food has that power. Otherwise, everyone would eat grapefruit. Grapefruit diets simply restrict calories drastically. The weight loss has nothing to do with the citrus itself. And the return to old habits that announces lost pounds.

Carbohydrates are bad for you

First, it was fat, carbohydrates are now the villain. If you try to lose weight, provide a distinction between unhealthy carbohydrates like white sugar and complex carbohydrates like vegetables and whole grain products, the essential vitamins and fiber to help digestion.

Drink plenty of water helps to lose weight

The water creates an effect of satiety and leverages the work of fiber. By itself, the water does not lose weight. But drink at meals to slow the speed at which we eat. Stretching the duration of the meal, it leaves time for signals of satiety to occur. “In addition, water contains no calories, unlike other beverages.

Eating before bedtime is fattening

The timing of eating does not affect energy intake of foods. But in the evening, we often eat food containing less interesting from a nutritional point of view: chips, cookies, chocolate, ice cream … That is where does the extra calories.

The bread is fattening

Well chosen, it appears rather a valuable ally to lose weight. Those whole grains rich in fiber, resulting in long digestion. Sated quickly, so you eat less. An apple contains almost as many calories as a slice of whole wheat bread,. They say as long as it makes you fat? What it slice, however: butter, cheese, pies … Ouch!

The fat is bad for you

Nutrition consultants sent that one to people for years. Now they know better. The truth is that some fats are unhealthy, and some are good – even necessary – for your health.

Light foods helps you lose weight

Admittedly, the products ‘low fat’ are generally reduced in calories, but they sometimes contain more sugar than the original, which partially fills the difference. And we are often motivated to eat too much, just because they are light.

The carob is less calories than chocolate

In itself, it’s true: it contains less protein and fat than cocoa. But beware: The carob products often contain palm oil or coconut oil, rich in saturated fat. In contrast, carob powder is rich in calcium and fiber, contains no caffeine and has a natural taste sweeter than cocoa powder, which can reduce the sugar in recipes.

Eat less and exercise more, it’s the same

Error! Regular exercise accelerates the basic metabolism. So they burn more calories than a sedentary person. The best way to lose weight is to combine a healthy diet with physical activity. Persons who are physically active are also easier to maintain weight loss in long term.

Diet soft drinks help weight loss

There is no single study shows that diet sodas help you lose weight. There is absolutely no data on this subject at all.

Losing weight is simple: a short strict diet, than return to normal

A strict regime puts the body into” survival “, depriving it of essential elements for its proper functioning. It then intensified its function is to store energy from food, which may cause further weight gain after the return to a normal diet.

To lose weight, avoid certain food combinations

This statement is not based on any scientific data. If your digestive enzymes were losing their effectiveness because of the combinations, undigested foods provide less energy than expected, no more. Moreover, the enzymes form an outstanding team, and the mixtures does not scare them.

Related Link: Fitness and Weight Loss

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